Holoversity - Top level Academia. Peak level learning.

The HOLOVERSITY offers you the possibility to learn to the best of your knowledge. HOLOVERSITY relies on your wisdom, that if you wish to be taken seriously by others, you must take yourself seriously. In the HOLOVERSITY, you can LEARN BY TEACHING. The quality of your (self)education, is based on the quality that you offer others. Welcome to the Holoversity, the world-laboratory for top level learning, for bringing out the best of you, yourself.

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Location: Amsterdam, Terra


HOW TO ... Create your Cd.C.

In submitting your Thesis, you can enter ONE post only. Only ONE post is needed. You can elaborate it, add to it, expand it, revise is as much and as long as you like. You can take your time. You can make use of the comments on the Blog list. Enter your text, edit and re-edit untill you are done. At the top, label the levels of completion:

  3. DRAFT
  4. FINAL
Enjoy your creation. Know that while you work, the world can see what you are doing. Humanity can comment: each viewer will do that based on their own unique perspective. The aim of the Holoversity is that we can integrate all those perspectives, not by uniting them but by synergising them: each individual keeps their own perspective, and can incorporate the views of others in order to bring out their own view better. The same process is seen in the Thesis. Present you own vision. Reflect on the views of others. Revise your thesis untill it is completed. The reviews from the blog readers will help you seen when what you present has value for others by the credits that you get for your writings.