Holoversity - Top level Academia. Peak level learning.

The HOLOVERSITY offers you the possibility to learn to the best of your knowledge. HOLOVERSITY relies on your wisdom, that if you wish to be taken seriously by others, you must take yourself seriously. In the HOLOVERSITY, you can LEARN BY TEACHING. The quality of your (self)education, is based on the quality that you offer others. Welcome to the Holoversity, the world-laboratory for top level learning, for bringing out the best of you, yourself.

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Location: Amsterdam, Terra


The 'PhD Factory' - set your own standards

Anyone who wishes to establish their own quality in research by writing a PhD can do so, right here. The Holoversity title is a Cr.D. A PhD, doctorate in Philosophy, is a title bestowed on people who have demonstrated professionalism, responsibility, reliability and human sense in doing academic research. There is a drawback to the way this is traditionally done: someone else needs to evaluate and gauge your performance. In practice this means that your work may be limited by the limitations of those who are meant to help you accomplish your goal: doing research that brings our collective knowledge an important step further. The only way out of that trap is to have the help and support of those others, without their limitations. The 'PhD factory' offers just that:

  • YOU determine what work you do.
  • YOU determine when it is finished.
  • YOU determine who then gives you feedback.
However ... In order to be worthwhile to others, others must see the relevance of what you do. Else it is just - excusez le mot - a form of masturbation. It is up to you for whom you present your final work/project. But it is not up to you to determine that you have become doctor... A doctorate is a 'protected' title, for the simple reason that it ensures that you have mastered at least two important skills. One is the skill of mastering the topic that you have chosen. This is your Personal skill. The other is Professionalism: your ability for unselfish action. This is your Professional skill. Two other skills are needed in order to do so: learning, and teaching. Learning is your ability to internalise and integrate whatever insights has already become available to/for/by humans. Teaching is the ability to communicate and share it with others, for the betterment of al who are involved. Therefore, doing the PhD research (learning) and presenting your findings in writing to others (teaching) is but half of the work. The other half is that you realise that what you do is for the betterment of humanity as a whole. And that people recognise your work and respect you for it. therefore, it is always others who will grant you the honours of a doctorate in philosophy, as recognition that you have recognised, and realised, the role that you can play for others. It is, so to say, their recognition of your expression of the philosophy of life, and being human. However, because you are presumably the only person who really masters the topic that you study (otherwise it would not be an innovation, and thus not merit the degree of Doctor), you are probably also the only one who can find those who can understand you, and the significance of your work to the universe and all life forms. For that reason, it is up to you to choose who you select for your committee for doctorate's. However - you may be surprised how many people have been conditioned by others to be less than sincere - THE HOLOVERSITY REQUIRES THAT YOU SELECT YOUR COMMITTEE FOR DOCTORATION BY THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:
  1. you can present your Thesis to four mayor news papers of four major nations; one of which must be the country you live in, one can be a neighboring nation, and two need be in different language domains. The publication in the papers, and the responses by readers to the publication, will count as proof for doctoration.
  2. you can present your Thesis to the Government of your nation, and three Universities of your choice; these may be in different nations. The presentation to the government may be in paper; those to the universities as a personal presentation, in book presentation, and/or public lecture, open to the public. Audio/video recordings, witnessed by participants on record, will count as proof for doctoration.
  3. You can present your Thesis to mayor corporations, organisations, foundations, or public bodies - in in each category - of national importance. Audio/video recordings, witnessed by participants on record, will count as proof for doctoration.
  4. You can present your Thesis to the general public, via Internet, Multi-Media, Publication and Broadcast - one in each category - of at least regional capital importance. Audio/video recordings, witnessed by participants on record, will count as proof for doctoration.
In a broad general sense, you can consider that your Holoversity PhD is your stepping into humanity, expressing your personal talents and uniqueness, and contribution for the betterment of humanity, and the universe as a whole.
You can then publish your Thesis on the Holoversity Website.
Publication on the Holoversity Website is your proof for doctoration: YOUR PUBLICATION WILL CONSIST OF:
  1. Your thesis, complete with demonstration of its uniqueness
  2. A full description of your selected 'Doctoral Committee' (type 1-4)
  3. The records of your presentations
  4. The records of the evaluation/feedback of your Doctoral Committees

If readers of the Holoversity Website, or others, find that the material that you presented is flawed or not your own, your work will be removed from this webs site, and it will no longer stand on record as a Holoversity CrD.

CrD, stands for a Doctor in Creation both in the transcending-understanding and healing sense.

If you can agree to these terms then you are welcome to enroll in the Holoversity PhD Factory project.


Blogger Planting Paradise said...

The approach of a DIY (do it yourself) doctor degree requires a fundamental understanding: as long as people depend on others to make progress, individual progress and progress of humanity will be limited always.

The act of DIY doctoration is that of adult being: assuming responsibility for oneĀ“s own life; and accounting for the effect it has on others.

The Holoversity PhD degree is in that sense a gift - of yourself - to others: humanity.

It is up to humanity, thus others, to help you achieve your goals, by them too owning their adult response-ability of being autonomous beings.

The HOLOVERSITY strives for excellence, not by demanding it, but by insisting that it is innate in every person.
All that is required is an environment in which it can be expressed.

By living this way, we create that form of life.
Holoversity simply asks, suggests, that you live your Self to your fulness, without being hindred by the limitations of others, nor hindring others in their progress by your limitations.

By knowing how you fulfill your full potentials - and doing it yourself - others can know it also.
Each in hisher own way.

11 March, 2005 20:56  

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